2, జులై 2014, బుధవారం

on RTE

As per the Right Education Act i.e Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act 2009, 25% of seats reserved for Disadvantaged groups and Weaker Sections.

a) Step 1: Method of lots can be adopted for all applicants for a classbelonging to orphans.

Step 2 : Method of lots can adopted for all applicants for a class belonging to HIV infected/ affected

Step 3 :Method of lots can be adopted for all applicants fro a class belonging to CWSN(disabled)

limited 5%.

b) Step 4 :Method of lots can be adopted for applicants for a class belonging to ST limited to 4% of the enrollment of that class.

C) Step 5; Method of lots can be adopted for all applicants fo ra class belonging to SC limited 10% of the enrollment of that class.

d) Step 6 : Method of lots can be adopted for all applicants for a class belonging to weaker sections i.e. BCs, Minorities and OCs whose parental in come less than Rs. 60000/- per annum limited 6% of the enrollment of that class.

This is very ideal. Great. But We are having doubts is it possible to implement in Indian Social Condition.

If those 25% children sit by the side of the children upper strata children how the psychological condition. The upper strata children humiliates.,The teacher can also face problems.

Many psychological conflicts will emerge .

But what is the way to achieve ideal goals.

Aam Aadmi Party demanded for implementation of act and represented on 25.6.2014 While discussing with Joint Collector Hyderabad, I have said to the Joint Collector it was a challenge to all Collectors for implementing the RTE. While discussing I have mentioned Narayana, Chaitanya, Vignana. Chirak Schools names also. Can they implement.

Please write your comments to enlighten the subject and for implementation of RTE.

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